Saturday, March 13, 2010
Apart from cosmetic reasons, there can be other compelling reasons why people want to remove hair; for example medical reasons.
This is required when due to some hormonal imbalance women start sprouting hair at places where they are not supposed to, e.g., facial hair. Also, before surgery a patient's hair requires removal in order to reduce chances of infection. This is done by a simple temporary method like shaving.
Social and cultural reasons dictate hair removal at times. Would you look better at the workplace clean-shaven or with stubble or would you like to flaunt hairy legs on a date? These are things like that make up social and cultural reasons. Many religions across the world also involve some kind of hair removal ritual.
Types of Hair Removal
There are basically two types of hair removal temporary and permanent hair removal processes. Before we discuss the different methods available for hair removal it is essential to know that hair growth starts from beneath the skin's surface.
If you want to remove hair above the skin's surface then that is most likely a temporary method, also called depilation. Shaving, trimming, using creams or powders that dissolve hair or using rough surfaces to rub off hair are temporary methods.
Permanent hair removal, also called epilation, involves removing hair not just from the surface but removing it entirely along with the root. Methods like tweezing, waxing, sugaring, threading, etc. are depilation methods. Then there are the more sophisticated depilation methods such as electrolysis and laser hair removal.
Permanent Hair Removal System
If you are looking for a type of permanent hair removal system, you can rest assured in knowing that there are many options available to you, and so depending on your budget, available time, and personal preference, you should be able to narrow down between the available options and decide on the one that is right for you.
Some of the most popular permanent hair removal system processes include:
Electrolysis hair removal
Hair growth inhibitors
Hair removal creams and depilatories
Ingrown hair treatments
Laser Hair Removal System
There are different types of laser hair removal systems that are available for you to choose, when you are looking for a laser hair removal system.
Each laser hair removal system is different in at least some way from the next, and this is why it is so incredibly important that you truly make yourself knowledgeable on all of the different options, so that you will be sure to make the decision that is right and best for you in the end.
The Advantages of Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is considered extremely safe if performed properly and by qualified specialists.
A majority of clients have reported long lasting results and even permanent hair removal.
A laser hair removal treatment can be carried out on large areas such as the chest, back, and legs in one session.
If there is re-growth after laser hair removal this will be much lighter and finer in texture than before.
It can be virtually painless when compared with waxing and electrolysis as a means of body hair removal.
Laser Hair Removal Side Effects
Laser hair removal is an incredibly significant and important matter, and in fact a large majority of the people in the world has had it done.
However, in the case of something like this, it seems that there would of course have to be some types of side effects, and this is what begs the questions of what the possible laser hair removal side effects are.
In regards to the matter of the possible laser hair removal side effects, if you are one of those people who is worried about the safety of this practice, it is important for you to know that laser hair removal side effects are in fact quite rare, and, in most other cases, completely temporary.
Hyper Pigmentation
The most common side effects would include something such as hyper pigmentation, meaning the appearance of dark or white spots, of which would appear on the skin and then disappear in a few months.
This usually happens more often to those who have extremely sensitive skin, and more sensitive skins may also become slightly crusty, but again it is important to recognize and remember that all of these symptoms are only temporary.
Exposure to Sun
Basically, in regards to the side effects from such a treatment as this, they are closely related with exposure to sun or otherwise photo-sensitizing medications.
For instance, people who go to tanning beds regularly may not be an excellent candidate for this laser hair removal procedure, or they should at least refrain from going to the beds for a significant period of time both before and after they plan on having the procedure done.
Laser Hair Removal Risks
There are particular laser hair removal risks that are involved with a laser hair removal treatment or procedure just like any other type of procedure. It is significant for anyone who is planning to have a procedure like this done to understand the possible laser hair removal risks, so that they are well informed on the matter as a whole before having it done.
Skin Burns
The laser hair removal risks may include things such as a burning of the skin, or a discoloring on darker skin due to the use of the laser. This is particularly more likely if the doctor that is performing the procedure is not qualified or experienced enough, and so this is why you will want to make extra sure that the staff of the location you are going to is extremely qualified and deserving of your business and your trust.
Redness or Swelling
As well, after the procedure, no medications or bandages are essential however you are likely to notice some redness and swelling on the skin for a relative time after it is completed.
Crusting of the Skin
As well, stinging may occur for the first couple of days, and some people may even experience a slight crusting of the skin; if this crusting occurs in your case, you should make sure to keep the whole area moist, for example with Vaseline, which is the most recommended option for this.
In regards to the possible laser hair removal risks, there are few, but these still must be considered as critical to learn and understand about.
Seeking Out the Help of Professional Surgeon
There are many options in terms of laser hair removal that you can think about. One option is to seek out a professional surgeon that can complete the quick procedure in their office with little time or cost involved.
It is this type of thing that can end up being the best method to go about it because you trust a professional and you have them to hold accountable for having proper working laser hair removal equipment and a knowledgeable staff.
Without this, you may be looking at a much less confident procedure that could end up removing parts that you do not want removed.
All you need to know about Hair Removal Systems, Methods and Products
0 komentar Diposkan oleh The Master di 4:03 AMThere is a lot of different hair removal systems on the market intended to get rid of unwanted hair, and some have different expense. From plucking the hair out by the roots, for which the biggest expenses is the pain, to professional electrolysis or laser hair removal, expenses for these services can rapidly add up.
With the various different hair removal systems on the market, few of them offer a permanent solution to unwanted hair. Some of the more luxurious treatments such as laser hair removal and electrolysis may comes closest to a permanent solution, but the treatments are not cheap and there is no guarantee that some of the hair will not grow back.
There are latest hair removal systems entering the market that use radio frequency to destroy the individual hairs as well as damage the follicle to prevent re-growth. The makers of these hair removal systems state no pain and a 60 percent success rate after the first in-home treatment. Sound waves are transmitted through the hair by a tweezers-like device for individual hairs and for larger patches of unwanted hair, a patch is used to kill the hair without pulling it out by the roots.
various hair removal methods and comparison between clinical approach and natural ways
There are many varieties of various hair removal methods and comparison between clinical approach and natural ways, and each person will have special preferences to what they like to use. A person's preferences are usually dependant on the quantity of hair that they require to be removed and where about on the body it is. While some people will only need the hair removed temporarily, others will want some hair removed permanently. For many years, most men shaved their beards and moustaches, and they usually had a preferred hair removal method. It was usually a razor. Many men would shave their chests as a temporary removal method, but others have chosen to have waxing as the removal method of choice. Each hair removal method has advantages and disadvantages.
The latest various hair removal methods and comparison between clinical approach and natural ways include lasers which can get rid of hair from different locations on the body. The laser methods are usually an effective method of permanent hair removal. The laser is a great choice, but the laser is also an expensive hair removal technique. The laser machines are expensive, and these must be operated by qualified technicians. Sometimes people must go for several sessions to have all of the hair removed as required.
Waxing is a method for hair removal that will cause some pain. The pain is bearable, but some people do not wish to endure the pain of this procedure
Hair Removal Products
One of the most common methods of hair removal is shaving. The hair removal products involved in shaving are simple to obtain and apply. They include a razor, shaving gel and most choose to use a moisturizer after shaving to prevent razor burn. This is not a permanent measure, and must be repeated frequently.
Hair removal products can be as easy as using a tweezer to pull unwanted hair. Again, not a long term solution, but can easily be done at home. Waxing is another one of the various hair removal products that can be used at home. This form of hair removal needs heating wax and applying strips to the area. The wax strips are then pulled off to get rid of the hair. It is significant to be cautious not to burn yourself with the wax. This method can also be done at a spa or clinic. Sugar waxes are also used. These are easier to clean up, as the answer simply dissolves when water is applied.
Electrolysis is one of the many hair removal products that require several treatment applications. Electrolysis is done by inserting a very tiny needle into a hair follicle. A charge of electricity is transmitted to kill the hair root, preventing the hair from growing. This can take some time, as each hair follicle requires to be penetrated.
Laser hair removal is becoming a more appropriate and safe means of removing hair. Again, before using this hair removal product, make sure the technician and center is using correct protocol. A laser uses light beams in different wave lengths to wipe out hair follicles. Again, it can take a few months to get the desired effect, and can be costly.
Hair removal products can be used at home or it may be necessary to seek out a professional's assistance. Most of these products can not totally eliminate hair growth immediately. Most hair removal products need to be used frequently as hair growth is continuous. Electrolysis and lasers are showing promising results in permanently stopping hair growth, but require a long time to get that result.
Every one want clean and smooth skin, for this many persons use many types of products for hair removal to get rid of unwanted hairs.Hair grow naturally on our body but peoples don’t like to have hairs on body for their beauty .Hairs on body part creates problems for women because they don’t like hairs on their face, legs,necks,thighs and other part of bodies.For Men it’s not a big problems but some men are now give importance to their beauty also and remove their unwanted hair from their body.
There are various of ways for hair removal like men do shaving to remove their face and chest hairs also , some uses various types of creams also , various companies products available now these days.Some others methods like waxing , threading , plucking also used these days at spa and at home also but every one wants permanent hair removal results .
Some permanent hair removal methods like the most common is electrolysis. This method utilizes a light ray that can travel beneath skin layers, without damaging them, to pinpoint a hair follicle. Heat generated in this light ray then damages or destroys the hair follicle, resulting in little or no hair growth for anywhere from three to six months.After this time period hair grow again.Permanent hair removal , means a time period between two seasons of hair removal because hair growing is natural and after a time period hair grows again but there are some other ways also for permanent hair removal.
Permanent hair removal means ,you don’t need to go for treatment again within a short period of time.
Another technique is Laser hair removal ,is a technology that is put into lot of use today. Laser hair removal methods were started on experimental basis in the 1970's and then came into the market in the 1990's. After a lot of research, laser hair removal equipments are much advanced and efficient to use.Laser is used to cause damage to the root of the hair without damaging the rest of the skin.This method is safe and most effective for large area ‘s .But this is more effective on dark hair and light skin.This also not gaurentee for permanent hair removal but this treatment works for a long time and after it’s second season it work for a longer time.And it cost cheaper than other techniques like Electrolysis.
Eletrolysis , also a method for hair removal (discussed earlier)but professionals suggests that this method should not be used at home because of it’s side effects if not perform well , so always go for professional,for Eletrolysis treatment for positive results.
Intense pulsed flash lamp method is also a laser technique.In this Specific wavelengths of light are generated by the lamp and the entire spectrum is transferred to the root of the hair which damages it and stops hair growth.This method also know for good and long time results .
It’s does not matter which method used but all methods for treatments should be used under the guidance of professionals with high quality and certified equipments.
Unwanted hair is no fun, and it's not as easy to remove as you would like it to be. Yet, there are solutions to your unwanted hair. Removal can be one of two types. First of all, it can be simply temporary, such as shaving the hair away. Or, it can be made to be permanent.
Why Remove Hair?
Why should you bother with having costly procedures done to remove hair? There are many reasons. For example, many athletes have hair removed so that they can shave seconds off of their times. Or, many fashion conscious people want eyebrow, leg, arm and private areas hair free to stay with the current style. Some men enjoy having their hair styled into a specific fashion statement such as a moustache or goatee. Sometimes, individuals need to have it removed for medical reasons. Still, others just want it gone.
Why Permanent?
For many individuals the best way to get hair gone is through investing in permanent solutions. You'll likely need to see a licensed Esthetician for this procedure and it will cost you. But, if you get it done, and it is done significantly, you will not need to keep worrying about the hair.
What Permanent Options Are There?
There are many. Here are some of the many that you can choose from.
Laser treatments: these are by far becoming some of the most popular. The process, which is FDA approved, actually uses a small laser to destroy the hair follicles. It takes seconds to do. But, many individuals can not have this procedure as you will need the right colored skin/hair for it. The procedure is expensive, up to $3,000 per procedure in which you may need more than one treatment. Experience is helpful in having a good experience the first time.
Electrolysis: This is another option for permanency. In this procedure, a probe is placed into each follicle (yes, it takes a long time for large areas!) and will then use an electric charge to destroy the follicle. It is painful to an extent, and you will likely need more than one treatment. Again, it can cost up to $3,000 for this procedure.
Photo epilation or pulsed laser treatments: These are much like the laser treatments in that they use pulsed light to work at destroying the follicles and it can be very effective for under arm hair as well as that of the bikini area. There are few limitations here, and it will cost you slightly less at about $2,000 per treatment.
There are many temporary methods for hair removal. You can use processes like shaving and waxing to help remove hair. You can use creams as well as plucking. Temporary or not, these are less expensive and often less painful methods of hair removal.
Which solution is for you? Base your decision on your budget and your preferences. Talk to your local dermatologist for recommendations. Whatever you do, get rid of the hair
Hair removal has been practiced for a long time due to various reasons and there are new and better methods that have been developed to achieve ideal hair removal results. Hair removal is the extraction of hair from the skin and, it is also called depilation. The most popular is shaving and is undertaken by men and women everyday. Men are known to shave their chins while women remove hair in their legs and arms. There are very many reasons why removal of hair is practiced by various people in the society and the major one is for aesthetics or to enable the people look better. It has been a popular culture to look more presentable when you do not have too much facial hair for men and, if they do have it, it is usually different and kempt. This is mostly the case in the urban setting where people have white color jobs. In other cultures, due to their environment and nature of work, shaving may not be common. There are women who have male hormones in them and this causes the growth of beard. This is one of the most common reason why women engage in hair removal.
In ancient Egypt, people used to remove hair to discourage lice and fleas from infesting their bodies. This is because hair is a breeding ground for such parasites and therefore, they did it for hygiene reasons. The Egyptians also depilated for religious reasons. They believed that shaving hair all over would present them more pure before the gods. It is also undertaken for medical reasons and this is evident when surgery of a particular part of the body is being performed. However, it is not very necessary to shave because hair has now been found not to affect the healing process in any significant way. Cancer medication like chemotherapy will cause the hair to fall and the patients shave their heads totally when they experience hair loss. Some patients in anticipation of the treatment, remove the hair in advance.
Women in the ancient times, engaged in hair removal of the pubic area to please the culture that found such women more attractive than others with the hair. Many other cultures engaged in this and going through history books will reveal so much. Many cultures in Africa shaved the heads of widows as a sign of cleansing of bad spirits. When young men prepared for circumcision, removal of hair was paramount to mark the beginning of a new chapter. When transsexuals are preparing for gender reassignment, men must shave their pubic hair to allow the creation of a neovagina. This is a modern culture which is increasingly gaining so much popularity especially in the western world.
Removal of hair is done in the military. This is because of their hectic schedule and it helps to maintain hygiene, it is also a sign of solidarity and it keeps them disciplined and together. There are very many ways to remove hair and you can either do it traditionally or engage in more modern ways. Modern ways include the use of laser which is a revolutionary way to do it because you can have hair removed permanently. There are several parts of the body that hair is usually removed and they include abdomen, back, eyebrows, face, head legs, eyelashes, pubic hair and others. Methods of removing hair come with advantages and disadvantages and the internet has many resources on this subject. Whichever method you use, keep safety first.
"All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field." (Isaiah 40:6)
Like everything in life, hair removal is not permanent. How could it possibly be, when your body is constantly renewing itself? However, different options for hair removal offer different periods of hairlessness and different degrees of permanent hair reduction.
Shaving offers the shortest period of hairlessness because it does not remove the hair from the follicle, meaning that hair continues to grow. Essentially, shaving offers no period of hairlessness and no permanent hair reduction.
Plucking removes a hair from the follicle, which immediately stimulates that follicle to produce a new hair. Although it takes some time for the hairs to emerge from the skin, the period of hairlessness achieved by plucking is also relatively short, and, because plucking does not target the follicle, it achieves no permanent reduction in hair in the treated region.
Depilatory Creams
Depilatories work by chemically breaking down the hairs. The creams can remove all hair on the surface, along with some level of penetration below the skin, giving as much as 3-5 days of hairlessness.
Intense Pulsed Light and Laser Hair Removal
Both Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and laser hair removal work by a process known as selective photothermolysis, in which the heat energy of the laser is absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle, leading to the destruction of the follicle. However, because the treatment only targets follicles in the anagen (growth) stage of the hair cycle, several treatments are necessary to kill the majority of follicles. However, once completed, both IPL and laser hair removal give you long periods of hairlessness and up to a 90 % permanent reduction of hair in treated areas.
Electrolysis is the process of delivering electrical energy to the hair follicle, killing it. Two modes of delivering the energy are the thermolysis method, which delivers the energy via radio waves, and direct current electrode, which delivers the energy directly. According to published studies, patients can see 6 to 36 months with no hair growth, and it is the only FDA recognized treatment for permanent hair removal. The main drawback for electrolysis is the length of treatments. For a man to receive electrolysis on his back can take as long as 225 hours, and cost nearly $20,000
The general opinion is that laser hair removal is permanent, and the Food and Drug Administration approved it as “permanent reduction,” but doesn’t work on everyone. Generally, this means that you shouldn’t expect laser to remove every single hair from an area. Most people need to follow up with electrolysis treatments for any remaining hairs for complete clearance as hair becomes too fine for laser to target and you reach diminishing returns. Most will also need touch-up treatments 1-2 times a year after the initial set of treatments for any new growth your body develops with age.
It has also been observed that some people seem to be non-responders – this is not confirmed and reasons are not known as not enough research has been done in this area. Keep in mind that it's also difficult to judge whether someone’s lack of results is due to the person’s potential underlying medical condition that causes continuous growth and makes it seem like laser isn’t working, whether the treatment wasn't performed properly, or whether for some people it just doesn't work and we don't know why. Basically, you can’t determine this for yourself unless you try it. In addition, results also depend on many variables involved, including the tech's experience, type of laser used and how settings are set, etc.
A set of at least 6-8 treatments at specified intervals are generally necessary to achieve substantial hair removal with laser. Factors that determine the length of treatment include the particular area to be treated, the texture of hair, frequency of treatments, history of temporary measures to remove hair (waxing, tweezing, shaving, and depilatories, etc.) etc.
Electrolysis is considered a permanent hair removal method that has been used for the past 125 years. It involves treating one hair at a time and can take a considerably long time to complete a large area, but IS an option as well. It is also the recommended method for small areas (generally, chin, upper lip, eyebrows, etc), as well as for fine and light-colored hair. The most cost-efficient treatments to completely clear an area should start with laser to remove the bulk of the hair and finish with electrolysis to remove the remaining finer sparse hair
Friday, March 5, 2010
b) Hormones
c) Smoking
d) Lack of exercise
e) Poor diet
f) None of the above
g) All of the above
Answer: g) All of the above.
Cellulite is a very common condition, especially among women. Women are basically genetically and hormonally predisposed to cellulite. Smoking makes it worse. Lack of exercise and poor diet (fatty food and little drinking) may enhance the phenomenon.
Rigid fibers form the fat chambers. When fat cells are enlarged, the rigid fibers push toward the soft tissue of the dermis, causing the rough surface appearance described as "orange peel," "mattress," or "cottage cheese."
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Label: cellulite, cellulite causes, velashape
Saturday, February 27, 2010
As it grows out of our scalp, our hair is no longer alive. Once the hair is damaged, the hair has no way of repairing itself because its already dead.
So many things can damage our hair, and although natural wear and tear can't be avoided, you CAN protect your hair from many damaging elements.
Healthy looking hair has a smooth, tightly closed cuticle layer that protects the inner cortex from drying out. The cuticle layer allows hair to maintain its moisture balance, and gives hair its elasticity, strength and shine.
Hair damage can range from uplifted cuticle scales resulting in dullness and decreased shine to bubbled and brittle cuticles to complete removal of the cuticle layer. Damaged hair is dry, porous, weak and hard to manage.
Some of the signs of damaged hair are:
- Hair looks dull and lack-luster
- Hair feels dry and brittle to the touch
- Hair is difficult to comb because it is always tangled
- Hair is flyaway and has split ends
- Hair is hard to manage and may be difficult to style
Some of the causes of hair damage are:
Excessive brushing and tearing of the hair. Excessive brushing or combing, especially when your hair is wet can seriously damage your hair. Hair is most vulnerable to breaks and tears when wet. Be gentle and use a wide-toothed comb (not metal though!) or a brush with natural fibres.
Hair pins, clips. These types of accessories clip onto the hair so tightly to stay in place, and often the tightness will cause hair to break. Never use rubber bands to tie the hair back. Use a fabric scrunchie or loose fitting comb or clip with rubber padding.
Too much heat. The best advice is to allow hair to dry naturally and not to use any type of heating tool. However, in reality this is hard to do. If you can't live without your hairdryer or flat iron, try to use it on the lowest setting possible.
Sun damage. Skin isn't the only part of your body that needs protection from UV rays. Summer sun worshipers are especially at risk for hair damage, but UV rays damage your hair every time you step outside into daylight-even in the winter. No, you don't need to wear a hat everywhere you go, but definitely be conscious of the sun's rays and cover up if you're going to be out in the sun for a while.
Chlorine and Salt Water. When swimming in chlorine water or in salt water, always wash hair afterwards with a clarifying shampoo. There are specially formulated shampoos for swimmers. The chlorine and the salt in the water can dry hair and make it very brittle. By washing the salt and chemicals out of the hair immediately after a swim may prevent this from occurring.
Over-perming. You should never re-perm hair until the original perm has grown all the way out. A normal perm damages hair, so a perm on top of a perm is a double whammy.
Over-washing. Yes, washing your hair too much can dry out your scalp, cause flakes, and lessen the natural oils on your head that protect your hair's roots.
Cold weather. Cold weather dries out hair more quickly because there is less humidity in the air. This dryness, combined with the cold makes hair brittle and susceptible to breakage. Weekly deep treatments can help to protect hair from being dried out.
Eat your way to beautiful, healthy hair. Just like your body, your hair also needs a balanced diet to stay healthy.
Diet solution for dry and brittle hair:
If your hair is dry and breaks easily, it is probably a lack of essential fatty acids. By including plenty of good sources of essential fatty acids in your diet you can give your hair back its strength and lustre.
You can find these essential fatty acids in oily fish such as tuna, sardines, trout, salmon, herrings and mackeral. Also in seeds, nuts, olives and avocados. You should try to eat four servings of oily fish a week.
Sprinkling flaxseed oil and pumpkin seeds over your morning cereal is another great way to get these much needed essential fatty acids in your diet.
To keep your hair well hydrated, be sure to drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water ever day!
Another nutrient important for hair strength and growth is trace mineral silica. Silica is vital to the strength of hair, and can stop hair breakage, unfortunately many of the foods we eat in the western world lack this mineral. Through food processing and chemical soil treatments, trace minerals are rare in our diets.
When possible, always choose organic produce. Foods that a rich in silica are rice, oats, lettuce, parsnips, asparagus, onion, strawberry, cabbage, cucumber, leek, sunflower seeds, celery, rhubarb, cauliflower and green, leafy vegetables.
Diet solution for greasy and lanky hair:
A lack of vitamin B in ones diet can lead to oily, greasy hair. To fight off greasy hair, be sure to eat lots of whole grains, nuts, seeds, dairy products, eggs, wheatgrem, legumes and green, leafy vegetables. These are all great sources of B-complex vitamins.
Also steer clear of oily foods where possible.
Diet solution for hair starting to turn grey:
Although the link between premature greying and diet hasn't been established, evidence does suggest the amino acid tyrosine - which acts as a precursor to color producing pigments in the hair and skin - can help!
Diet solution for hair that is starting to thin and fall out:
Thinning hair or hair loss may be a sign of iron deficiency. Be sure to eat plenty of iron rich foods, such as red meat, eggs, legumes, wholegrain cereals, dried fruits and green, leafy vegetables.
Since hair is composed mostly of protein, your hair will most likely respond well to the addition of high protein foods such as meats, eggs, cheese, seeds and nuts. These protein-rich foods can help reinforce the hair follicles and prevents the hair from falling out.
There is some evidence suggesting soya protein helps stimulate growth, so switch to soy milk and include some tofu, miso and soy beans in your diet.
Vitamin E is found in green, leafy vegetables, nuts and grains and can also help hair loss. Hair loss can also be a sign of thyroid dysfunction. To stimulate the thyroid gland, eat foods rich in iodine such as seafood and kelp.
Also including iron and B vitamins in your diet will help. Stick to a diet rich in antioxidants - fruit, vegetables and tea - to help slow the ageing process in general.
Foods, Vitamins and supplements to help hair growth
Hair is mostly protein, so nutritionists advise those wanting healthy hair to eat well balanced diets that include healthy proteins, along with foods high in vitamin B, C, E, A and K.
Your hair will most likely respond well to the addition of high protein foods such as meats, eggs, cheese, seeds and nuts. Fish has good protein as well as essential fatty acids and natural oils.
Vitamin B - Green vegetables, beans, sunflower seeds, nuts and peas.
Vitamin C - Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, melons and berries.
Vitamin E - Avocados, rice bran, nuts, dark green vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
Vitamin A - Carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, broccoli, cantaloupe and apricots.
Vitamin K - Seafood, dairy, figs, asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, brussel sprouts, cabbage, dark green leafy vegetables, oatmeal, soybeans, wheat, yoghurt, egg yolks and liver.
Keeping your hair healthy and beautiful does not have to cost a fortune.
In fact, with just a few common household ingredients, you can give your hair a deep moisturising treatment, give yourself subtle highlights or prevent dandruff.
Here is a list of homemade hair treatments and hair care products.
Protect your hair with a hair rinse. These hair rinses correct the hair's pH and remove residue from shampoo and other hair products, leaving the hair healthy and shiny.
Why Vinegar? Vinegar removes build-up and residue from the hair shaft and closes the cuticles. Vinegar restore natural pH and prevents an itchy scalp. Although plain white vinegar works fine, apple cider vinegar seems to be the preferred vinegar. As your hair is drying you will smell vinegar but once your hair dries there will be no smell.
Apple Cider Softening Hair Rinse
Mix 1-2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar with 3 cups distilled water.
Directions: Pour over your hair as the final rinse. It will leave your hair feeling soft. Good for all hair types.
Shiny Hair Rinse
Mix the juice from 1/2 lemon, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water.
Directions: Shampoo and rinse hair as usual, then pour the mixture on your hair and massage into the scalp. Rinse with cool water.
What do you do when your hair color ends up a disaster? Can it be fixed at home?
Should I save a few dollars by dying my hair at home by myself?
If you have a hair color disaster, it is from one of two possible scenarios:
- You went to a professional stylist or colorist and came out with a hair color disaster.
- You were suckered in by advertising and took the risk of coloring your hair by yourself, in your own home.
A common mistake people make is thinking that hair color is foolproof and will turn out like the picture on the box. NO NO NO! Do not believe this!
Hair color is not like paint that can just be removed with paint remover. Nor can it always be painted over.... Like a white wall, sometimes you cannot paint over the mistake with corrective white paint. First, you have to remove the wrong color, which can take a few sessions.
If you want to fix your hair color disaster, prompt action is necessary! Most experts believe you have a 48-72 hour window before the color has a chance to lock into the cuticle. Contact a professional colorist immediately.
Try not to panic and rush to find a solution that might cause even more harm. Many people try to fix their color problems themselves at home and often makes the problem a lot worse and can potentially damage your hair beyond repair.
Avoid the temptation to add more color or try to remove the color at home with bleach or other harsh chemicals.
- Hair color is a reflection of light off the colored pigment of the hair shaft. Different colors add or subtract from the hair color giving it various hues and shades.
- Hair dye is not like paint. It doesn't just "paint" the color onto the hair. Permanent hair color permanently changes the color pigment in the hair shaft - it does not wash out although certain colors may fade over time.
- If you end up with a horrible hair color, it cannot wash out or be reversed. It can, however, be correctively colored back to a color similar to the original color. This should be left to the professionals only and can take a couple of visits!
- IMPORTANT - Always do a strand test on a few strands of uncolored hair to get an idea of the color you are ultimately going to obtain. You can do a little bit of mathematical juggling by adding more or less of a particular color to get the desired color. For drastic changes in hair color do get professional help.
- Apply the hair color on small, thin sections of hair, bit by bit, 1/2 to 1/4 of an inch in width. This may be awkward to do alone, so get a friend to help.
- The ends of long hair are usually more porous than the rest, so apply the color to the middle section of your hair first, about one inch from the scalp down to about two inches from the ends. We do this because the body heat from the scalp causes bleach and hair dyes to develop quicker.
Some temporary fixes for your hair color disaster:
Colored shampoos which can sometimes help soften the bad coloring.
Cut your hair short to minimise the effect of the bad color.
Try to accelerate color fading - hot water is known to fade chemically colored hair, some volume shampoos and gels may help fade color (they are designed to open the hair cuticle which speeds up color loss)
Try using a shampoo mix of 2 oz. of 20 volume peroxide, 1 oz. shampoo and 1 oz. warm water. Stir well and apply starting where your hair color is the darkest. Speed things up by wrapping your head in plastic wrap and sit under a hair dryer. Check the color every 5 minutes til satisfied then shampoo and condition hair as per usual.
It's hard to be objective about your own face shape, but here's a sure fire way to be sure your not biasing your own analysis. Hair designers are the ultimate judges of your face shape, but if you need a little help try this experiment.
There are lots of suggestions on how to figure out your shape, from outlining your face shape on a mirror with lipstick to draping it with a towel and asking others to help you guess the shape. But, there is actually a scientific way to determine your face shape once and for all.
To find out the shape of your face, measure it with a tape measure or ruler. You will take the following measurements.
- Measure your face across the top of your cheekbones. Write down the measurement on a piece of paper.
- Measure across your jaw line from the widest point to the widest point. Write down the measurement.
- Measure across your forehead at the widest point. Generally the widest point will be somewhere about halfway between your eyebrows and your hairline. Write down the measurement.
- Measure from the tip of your hairline to the bottom of your chin.
Oval Face | |
Round Face | |
Oblong | |
Heart | |
Square | |
Diamond | |
Triangle | |
The most common question I get here at, is how to make hair grow faster.
Unfortunately the truth is there is no instant way to grow long hair. Long hair is a committment and something that takes alot of time and care.
If you want long hair for a specific event, such as a wedding or prom, then hair extensions, clip on ponytails or long wigs are the only solution for instant hair growth.
Not everyone can grow a head of waist length hair. If you have fine, thin or severely damaged hair, you may have a difficult time growing your hair past a medium length.
Your hair grows up to 6 inches a year. The weather can also affect the your hair growth - hair tends to grow more rapidly in the summer, while growing more slowly during winter.
If you're ready for the commitment of growing long hair, make sure you continue to have regular trims to keep your hair looking and feeling healthy. It might seem like the quickest way to grow your hair is not to cut it at all, but that is not the case. Regular trims, every 8-10 weeks, will keep your hair looking good while you go through many stages of growing it out.
Wear and Tear
Once your hair emerges from your scalp, it is considered dead and has no way to renew itself. So by the time your hair is past your shoulders it is a couple of years old.
Even if we look after our hair, it is still a long time to face the daily wear and tear we inflict on our hair - brushing, washing, blow drying, dying and more! This daily damage plus your bodies health can all impact on your hair growing abilities.
Reasons for slow hair growth
A healthy diet also plays a major role in your hair's condition and growth rate. Nutritional deficiencies can lead to thinning hair - ultimately your hair reflects the condition of your body.
Your hair may stop growing if you have any health problems or are suffering from any nutritional deficiencies.
Since hair is protein, a low protein diet may sometimes be the cause of a slow hair growth cycle. If you eat a protein-rich diet, it will often result in improved hair growth.
Excessive stress is known to slow down hair growth, and can even lead to hair falling out. If your life is particularly stressful, try to set aside some time for meditation or relaxation. It has also been discovered that regular sleep can help your hair grow faster (7-9 hours a night is suggested).
Foods, Vitamins and supplements to help hair growth
Hair is mostly protein, so nutritionists advise those wanting healthy hair to eat well balanced diets that include healthy proteins, along with foods high in vitamin B, C, E, A and K.
Your hair will most likely respond well to the addition of high protein foods such as meats, eggs, cheese, seeds and nuts. Fish has good protein as well as essential fatty acids and natural oils.
Vitamin B - Green vegetables, beans, sunflower seeds, nuts and peas.
Vitamin C - Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, melons and berries.
Vitamin E - Avocados, rice bran, nuts, dark green vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
Vitamin A - Carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, broccoli, cantaloupe and apricots.
Vitamin K - Seafood, dairy, figs, asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, brussel sprouts, cabbage, dark green leafy vegetables, oatmeal, soybeans, wheat, yoghurt, egg yolks and liver.
Hair Growing Tips
- Eating a healthy diet. Avoid or cut back on smoking, drinking alcohol, caffeine and foods that are high in sugar or fat. These are all bad for your body, and will affect the condition of your hair.
- Allow your body to grow hair by giving yourself plenty of sleep and rest. Give yourself time to relax when you're feeling very stressed.
- Buy a good quality brush or comb - avoid cheap plastic brushes.
- Treat your hair carefully by avoiding any unnecessary brushing.
- Limit the use of styling tools such as straighteners, hair dryers and hot rollers - these all cause stress to your hair.
- Have regular trims to get rid of split ends and to keep your hair looking and feeling healthy.
- Weekly scalp massages provide stimulation to the hair follicles.
- Also do a weekly hair treatment to protect the hair's shaft.
- Avoid chlorine and saltwater. If you go swimming, shampoo your hair as soon as possible afterwards. If you spend alot of time in the sun, use a conditioner that provides SPF protection.
- Do not brush your hair when wet. Use a wide tooth comb and be gentle with your hair when it is wet. Do not rub it vigorously with a towel
Even though you may love the latest celebrity hair style, it might not be the right hair style for your face. The shape of your face and the proportions of your features will help tell you what hairstyle is best suited to you.
Oval-shaped face
You're lucky - this is the kind of face shape that suits just about any hairstyle. Both long and short hair cuts look great on you, as your face shape is well balanced. The chin and forehead of an oval face shape are in even proportion.Avoid covering up your perfect face shape with heavy bangs or wearing your hair on your face. You'll lose your face shape and it may add weight to your face.
Round face
Hairstyles with fullness and height at the crown will give the impression of a narrower face. Try a cut with layers while keeping the sides close to your face to make your face appear longer. Round faces suit either short hairstyles swept back from your forehead, or hairstyles that are longer than chin length. Wispy fringes and side parts are also good.Avoid chin length hair, center parts, fullness at the sides of ears, straight "chopped bangs - these wll all emphasise the shape of your face.
Heart-shaped face
The heart shaped face is widest at the temples and narrowest at the chin, which can appear pointy. Short hair and chin length hair often looks great on this face shape, as the fullness can even out the jaw and chin lines. Chin length bobs, short shags, swept forward layers and wispy bangs all work well.Avoid full styles that emphasise the upper face without balancing out your narrow chin. Too much height at the crown and tapered necklines will make you look top heavy.
Rectangular, Long face
If your face is long and slender, with your forehead and below cheeks about the same width, hairstyles that balance out the length of your face work best for you. These include short to medium lengths with fullness at the sides and soft wispy bangs. This will shorten the length and add width to your face. Layered styles work well and add softness to the straight lines of your face.Avoid too much length, it will only make your face look longer. Too much height will also lengthen your face.
Square face
If your face is square, with a strong, square jaw line and often an equally square hairline, the right hairstyles for you are ones that soften the square look of your face. Short to medium length hair cuts, with soft wispy bangs and a wave or curl will compliment and balance out your straight face shape. If you hair is straight, maybe consider a body wave. Side parts and fullness/height at the crown can add length to your square face shape.Avoid straight styles - long straight hair, blunt bangs, straight bobs and center parts, as they will emphasise your square jawline.
Triangle face
If you face is triangle, with a wider chin that narrows at the forehead, you want to stick to styles that narrow your chin and widen the forehead. This will balance out your features. Shorter hair can often balance our your prominent jaw line, as well as styles that are full at the temples that taper at the jaw. Off center parts, wedges and shags are also good styles for you. Lots of layers will give you the fullness through the upper part of your face.Avoid Styles that are full at the jawline and center parts.
Full forehead, long chin
If your forehead is large and your chin long, it can help to add volume below the chin line to balance it out. A thick layered cut or mid-length bob will add fullness where it's needed. Bangs can also reduce the look of a full forehead. -
Large features
Full hair can help downplay a large nose or other feature and can help balance out large features. Straight hair, parted down the middle or a long, heavy fringe will make a larger nose seem even more prominent. Subtle highlights in your hair can help by drawing the eye towards the hair and away from the face. -
Long or short neck
A long, graceful neck is a beautiful and desireable feature and should be shown off and considered when choosing a hairstyle. Short hair can really show off your neck, however long hair can also add to your already graceful neck when worn in an elegant style, like a twist or updo.If you want a short hairstyle and your neck is short, create the appearance of length by tapering your hair at the base of the neck and fuller on top.
Victoria Beckham is proving herself to quite the trend setter. The latest trendy new hairstyle called the "Pob" or Posh's bob, is popping up all over Hollywood.
This striking asymmetrical short cut, that is somewhere between tousled and messy, and smooth and sleek.
Find a skilled stylist who is comfortable with texturizing via straight razor to get the right amount of life in your hair. Discuss with your hairdresser what aspects of the cut will suit you, and where things should be adapted to be most flattering to your face shape and styling skills.
Asymmetrical bobs, recently seen on stars such as Rihanna. The base of an asymmetrical bob is the shorter-in-back graduated or A-line bob. It is this sliced and razored.
This style suits pretty much every head of hair - Fine hair gets quite a lift this way and heavy, thick locks get a weight lifted out.
This cut is meant to move hair forward, framing the face to the point of almost obscuring features with the sultry way the hair falls in the eyes.
Tips for styling the Pob
- Use a texturizing shampoo and conditioner in the shower.
- Towel dry your hair and work in a small amount of anti-frizz balm and a dollop of volumizing mousse through your hair.
- Using your hair dryer and a round brush, smooth hair towards your face, boosting more movement in your hair.
- To style a cowlick, try blasting the heat on the unruly piece of hair first in one direction, then in the next direction, and after repeating a few times, the hair should sit the way you want.
- Once dry, use a bit of pomade or wax to spike up the shorter pieces and seperate longer strands. Use a small amount and rub between your hands to get the product soft, warm and pliable.
- When your hair is styled, finish off with a touch of glossy shine serum and a spritz of finishing spray. Throughout the day you can touch and fluff up your hair.
- Shorter styles usually require a bit more maintenance than longer ones. You'll need to get regular trims every 4-6 weeks, and keep that color fresh as there is nowhere for roots to hide.
- You won't need to wash your hair everyday as choppier styles usually hold up well with slightly dirty hair.
And the best part? You don’t even have to wash your hair if you don’t want to. In fact, second day hair will actually make this one even easier. If you are stuck with some wallet crunching this holiday season, and have *just enough* hair to clip back, follow these simple steps to a super simple updo that will have heads turning all night long.
Step 1 – Pull your hair back into a ponytail.
Step 2 – Twist the ponytail like a rope until the pony starts to buckle and loop upwards, but not too tight.
Step 3 – Use a clip or barrette and clip the loop in place at the back of your head. Try placing the clip towards the top of the loop so that the back looks almost like a chignon.
Step 4 – Fan the ends of your pony upward and place on top of your head. If your hair is super long, you can pin them at the top of your head if you want. If your hair is longer, you can curl the ends with an iron and place them with pins on top of your head. This may take longer than the 30 second updo, but it is a far cry from styling your hair before you go out.
The bob has been a classic hairstyle for many years, but when Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham got her hair cut in this style, she completely reinvented it. These days its been nicknamed the "Pob", The Posh Bob.
The Pob takes the timeless bob and gets it a funky, trendy twist - its an angled bob, graduated at the back of the head with long, textured front layers.
What is so great about this style is it suits pretty much all faceshapes and hair types. It can be uniquely tailored to suit any facial features and hair type.
Victoria Beckham herself, has worn a few different varieties of the Pob over the years.
Short, Asymmetrical Pob
The front of the hairstyle shows off asymmetrical lengths and the right side is much longer then the left. The left side part has slight bangs which fall to the right where it blends into a longer length which goes down to chin level, giving the front of the hair length and also a feminine touch. A textured finish adds a piecey look and also a voluminous finish. The front of the hair is foiled with light and golden pieces which gives Victoria a sun kissed look, perfect for her new Hollywood location.
From the back, the style looks totally different then the front. From the back hairline the hair is graduated up with heavily chipped into ends which add a very textured but blending finish. From the crown to the top-back part of the neck the lengths are sliced to carry on a textured and full finish. At the very bottom to the mid back the color of the hair is a dark golden blonde, and from the crown to the mid back, the hair has blonde foils which have a piecey finish on top of the darker blonde.
Right Side
The right side is the feature side where the concaved effect is most prominent. The right sides length flows down with the jaw line, blending from short textured lengths to longer piecey strands at the very front. The right side shows that various blonde shades through the hair gives the hair a natural blonde finish. The longer pieces feature blonder highlights to help frame the longer pieces at the front.
Left Side
The left hand side has the graduating short textured lengths but the front has jaw line graduated length which sits neatly tucked behind the ears, leaving the right side to be the main feature with its longer length. The shorter side looks very natural, with the darker tone from the back showing at the very back sides and following up to lighter tones at the top where the blonde highlights give the hair a sun kissed finish.
Are you looking for the perfect short hair cut? Hair styles for short hair?
We've put together a gallery of pictures of short hair styles, showing off some of the latest, trendiest short hair styles.
What Is Microdermabrasion?The Benefits and Risks of Microdermabrasion Microdermabrasion is mechanical exfoliation that removes the uppermost layer
0 komentar Diposkan oleh The Master di 11:58 AM
Microdermabrasion is mechanical exfoliation that removes the uppermost layer of dead skin cells from the face, chest and hands. For best results, it is recommended you get a series of treatments and use in conjunction with anti-aging skin care products.
The price for a single microdermabrasion treatment usually ranges from $100 - $150. With a series, you might get one free. Microdermabrasion takes about 20-30 minutes and there's no down-time for the skin to recover. That's why it's also sometimes called a "lunchtime peel."
Benefits of Microdermabrasion
* Microdermabrasion leaves skin with a fresher, more glowing look.
* Microdermabrasion diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, and coarse textured skin.
* Microdermabrasion makes it easy for high-tech skin care products to actually penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and help build collagen, which gives skin its youthful appearance.
Other Names for Microdermabrasion
Microdermabrasion is also known as particle resurfacing, power peel, derma-peel or Parisian peel.
How Microdermabrasion Works
Microdermabrasion uses a powerful device to spray microcrystals of aluminum dioxide (corundum powder) across the skin’s surface. The aluminum dioxide is a very fine, very hard, sand-like material that blasts away the uppermost layer of dead skin cells on the skin's epidermis.
Microdermabrasion can be uncomfortable around the sensitive tissue of the mouth and nose, but should not be painful. After the treatment, the technician vacuums away the traces of the corundum powder.
Cautions on Microdermabrasion
*Check on the training of the person who is going to give you the microdermabrasion treatment. Results depend in part on their expertise.
*Make sure all traces of the aluminum dioxide is removed from your skin.
*Apply sunscreen and stay out of the sun after your treatment. Along with the dead skin cells, you have removed some of your protection.
*Microdermabrasion is not recommended for sensitive skin, skin that easily reddens (called couperous), or skin with acne breakouts.
*Aging skin is already thin. Overdoing microdermabrasion treatments can make it even thinner.
Bella Pelle Laser now offers a full line of esthetic services including Microdermabrasion in addition to laser hair removal and VelaShape. We are conveniently located in Broomfield and serve the metro Denver and Boulder areas.
Label: laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, velashape, wrinkles
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Laser Hair Removal Benefits
Laser hair removal is not only extremely effective in permanently reducing unwanted hair, but it is also extremely convenient. Smaller areas can be treated in 10 minutes or less, and patients are able to return to normal activities immediately. Additionally, most patients find that the many benefits far outweigh the minor risks associated with laser hair removal treatment.Permanent Laser Hair Removal Results
Patients enjoy a permanent reduction in unwanted hair and smooth, soft skin after laser hair removal treatments. While results can, in some instances, slowly fade and necessitate touch-up laser hair removal treatment sessions, they are typically necessary only once a year or less. However, most patients experience long-lasting, beautiful results.Effective and Convenient Treatment
The appeal of laser hair removal stems from its effectiveness, efficiency, and convenience. Laser hair removal can easily treat large areas of hair growth in a relatively short amount of time. For example, an entire back can be treated through laser hair removal and optimum results can be achieved in as little as an hour.The treatment is much more efficient than shaving or tweezing on a regular basis. While at-home self-treatment may be cheaper, it also takes much more time and effort to remove hair than it does with laser hair removal. Also, tweezing and shaving do not offer permanent results like laser hair removal does.
Laser hair removal also makes it possible to achieve satisfying results without the pain associated with other types of treatments like waxing. While people who undergo waxing often describe the treatment as repeated burning sensations, laser hair removal involves only minor discomfort.
Lastly, laser hair removal provides excellent results with less risk of skin irritation than the use of depilatories, or hair removal creams. The main active chemical in depilatory creams can actually melt away skin cells, causing mild to severe skin irritation. And, while hair removal creams can provide good results, they are only temporary.
If you are in the metro Denver Boulder area please come visit us for your hair removal needs at Bella Pelle Laser.
Label: bella pelle laser, boulder, Denver, laser hair removal
Friday, February 19, 2010
If there's one beauty product you buy this year... splurge on a steamer
Curly hair is dry and needs extreme amount of heats and moisture that can penetrate the hair shaft. Steamers are also great for revitalizing your Natural Curl Indian Hair. The steam with a nice lightweight moisturizing conditioner like Humecto by Keracare
If you can't justify splurging on a steamer then visit a steam room on ocassion and allow yourself to relax while indulging your hair.
Label: Curly Indian Hair, Indian Hair
Monday, February 15, 2010
To an ordinary guy, his hair is his crown and glory. What more to a male Hollywood celebrity whose bread and butter is his looks? Unfortunately, 8 out of 10 men will suffer from varying degrees of baldness and being a celebrity does not exclude anyone from this predicament.
So how do stars deal with this? Short of doing drastic hair follicle replacements and surgeries or modern medications, here are a few trick that Hollywood stars use to make their heads look like “glamour” written all over it.
Humphrey Bogart and Jimmy Stewart were known for having hairpieces especially made for them and styled for them. Although this is the easiest and quickest remedy for baldness, it does have its consequences. Aside from being expensive and would require frequent maintenance, hairpieces are known for having an “artificial look” when exposed to daylight. It might look good on the cameras but it would make an ordinary Jow look ridiculous and would not be advisable for everyday use. Not to mention, winds exceeding 10 mph would definitely blow everything away and reveal to the world your “secret.”
Hair extensions
Receding hairline is the most common pattern of baldness. It is also the most difficult to hide. What to do? Make the most of what is left. Attach artificial hair to your own hair. Matthew McCounneghey, Brendan Frazier, and Ben Affleck are rumored to have utilized hair extensions in (or maybe even out) of the silver screen. While hair extension do have a not-so-drastic approach and, by all means, can be an everyday remedy, like toupees, it still has an artificial look in it and would only work with today’s cinema magic.
Drastic Hairstyles
This is the most common remedy that celebrities do to address their baldness. While comb over style ala-Donald Trump works well for elderly celebrities (as well as for the common grandpas) it does seem kind of out-of-date and has the word “bald underneath” written all over it. Fortunately, there are now modern hairstyles that would effectively hide, or at the very least, reduce the effect of baldness. Jude Law noticeably has a receding hairline, but with the right haircut and proper styling, we could hardly notice it on the silver screen.
Shaving it all of
However, if styling or haircut does not work for you, going all out could be the only way. It’s easy to do for the stylist and easy to maintain for the person. Vin Diesel, Patrick Stewart, Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson to name a few are perfect examples of celebrities who went all out when their balding patterns are no longer controllable. Even with their crowns of, these celebrities still look dignified, attractive and retained the “glitter and glamour” celebrities are known for.
So take your pick; hair extension, new hairstyles, or going bald? Whatever you chose, pick the one that would make you feel comfortable and confident about your self.
Don’t worry. In this day and age, Bald is beautiful.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Men: Need the perfect Valentine's Day Gift? Get her the gift she REALLY wants: HAIR
0 komentar Diposkan oleh The Master di 11:23 PMIf you're a procrastinator or if Valentine's just isn't on your radar screen and you need a great last minute gift that your girlfriend will really want... let us save you some time! Allow her to change her hair...change your life!
A E-Gift Certificate from They are the perfect gift for just in time delivery. No need to mail anything, gift wrap or run around in this awful weather. Simply enter a few details and we'll email her a gift certificate straight to her inbox! You can buy them in any amount over $10.00.
Yes, yes you can thank us later!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
What's the difference between what you sell at Sunny's vs. a typical beauty supply? We tend to sell a lot of the same products sold at Beauty Supply stores around the country. Our Top Sellers are:
- Sensationnel
- Bohyme
- Bobbi Boss
- Black Diamond
- Indi Remi
- Beverly Johnson
When you the best of the best for Indian hair or lace wigs, that is where we are really different. We travel directly to India and Asia to source the best hair and wig makers in the world. But the biggest difference is our well-trained hairnistas that work in our stores. They love hair, they love hair extensions and they love helping you change your hair...change your life!
- Why don't you have the same products at every store? Each store reflects the personality of the community that it serves. We empower our buyers to listen to regional trends and styles so that you have a more boutique like shopping environment.
- Who is Sunny? He's the founder of Sunny's Hair & Wigs. He is a former Industrial Engineer with four daughters who were obsessed with all things hair...he started the company 19 years ago.
- What type of Wigs do you sell? We sell good, better, best. The good brands... Bobbi Boss, Beverly Johnson, Magic Touch Better: Beverly Johnson, Incognito, Forever Young Best: Henry Margu, Dream USA, Rene of Paris, Raquel Welch, Wig Pro
- Why don't you sell more wigs online? Stay tuned... we are working on an new intelligent way to shop for wigs... but for now we realize that wigs are something that you need to try on to get the perfect wig
- What is Remy Hair? It refers to a collection process not a brand of hair. Remy hair means that all the cuticles are in the same direction because the hair was donated by either cutting off ponytails or braids. The most common source of Remy hair is from India or China
- What is Virgin Hair? Virgin Hair refers to hair that has been donated that has never been processed chemically. This allows the hair cuticle to be healthy and intact which prevents dry hair and tangling.
- Why do some brands say they sell Virgin Indian Hair when it is colored and texturized? They figure that you haven't done your research...and it isn't regulated. Very similar to when you buy all natural potato chips. All Natural is a term any vendor can put on a package and it isn't regulated by the FDA the same applies to Remy.
- Why can't I get my shipment tomorrow if I order it today? If you order something online and you need it tomorrow....we aren't your company. We are a small business that has to protect our selves and our customers from fraud. This takes time and we do not have the logistics to do this without compromising security standards. Please understand every order is subject to a 24 processing time.
- Why can't they answer my questions about my web order at the stores? Just like most retailers our website is a separate yet affiliated company. Our sales associates at our stores have absolutely no access to our online store records. Moreover they are usually extremely busy helping our customers who are in front of their face. Imagine how frustrated you'd be if you were at a store and the associate kept making you wait while they have to keep explaining to someone that they can't assist them. PLEASE ONLY CALL THE 1-800 for questions with your orders.
- Why do they not know everything they should at the 1-800 # The 1800 is a call center. They are there to assist our customers with things like placing and tracking orders, answering basic questions. Any questions that go beyond the scope of their knowledge will be answered within 24 hours. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE 1-800 for questions specific to our retail locations...they can't assist you.
- Do the Kardashian's wear hair extensions? One of our favorite celebrities...if you couldn't tell from reading our blog. We haven't had them to us directly...but common sense dictates yes they do and if we had to make an extremely informed guess we'd say they use Natural Wave Indian hair in 26" and have them sewn in with a lot of their hair out around the perimeter and crown area.
- What's your best selling product? Two Words: Indian Hair! We travel directly to India and have a relationship with factories that get the first pick of Temple hair from Tiraputi Temple in India.
- What type of products should you use on hair extensions? Sulfate free shampoo
and lightweight conditioners
. If you use heat then we recommend a thermal heat protectant. We like Chi hot Sauce
or Rene Furterer